Monday, February 10, 2014

What The Grunt??


So about 2-3 weeks after our new threesome of a family had promulgated and settled in to a somewhat comfortable nightly routine of; baby wakes, baby's changed, baby's fed, and back to bed, it was impossible to ignore the new sound I was hearing. It was a loud grunt that would last until she fell asleep and it coincided with her stirring around and moving her head from side to side. She appeared uncomfortable. No mother wants to see her baby uneasy. Around this time, she also began spitting up large amounts of a cottage cheese-like substance that smelled sour. So, as a new mom with questions who happens to be married to a family doctor...I went to Google. I gathered information that claimed that infant grunting could be caused by gas. Now, in all honesty, in the wee hour of the morning feedings, I would attempt to burp her BUT if I got nothing after a couple of minutes I would put her down thinking, "well, she's asleep," and crawl back into bed and moments later she'd be tossing and turning. The very next night, I attempted to burp her for about 15 minutes to no avail. I put her down, and as expected the little grunter emerged. I got up and picked her up and she burped immediately and rested peacefully, as did I! I even began to use this method during the day. If baby girl would not burp for me, I would lay her flat across my lap or in my hands for a minute or two and then sit her up and she'd burp! Viola!!

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