Friday, November 29, 2013


This is a blog containing my trepidations, joys, thoughts, milestones and acquired info along the way as a first-time mom.

I became aware that my husband and I were expecting on New Year's Eve 2012. I remember everything I did that day from breakfast with my girlfriend Olivia, to the trip to Target for the pregnancy test, to the seat aside my hubby on the couch before giving him the news. We were excited, yet apprehensive as I was still a ways from the threshold separating the fear of miscarriage from the jolly stage of announcing the good news to extended family and friends...a stage we didn't make it to once before. Fast-forward past the entire-day sickness, the extreme tailbone soreness, and the love-hate relationship with food to 40 weeks and 3 days into our pregnancy when we were blessed with a healthy 7lbs 13oz baby girl. After 12 hours of labor and 15 minutes of pushing, we welcomed our first bundle on September 11th at 8:02AM. Our lives, quite naturally, have not been the same and we are taking every day in stride.